“Women in Diplomacy” – Wednesday December 16th 2020

The EU Security Watch Spot of the Jean Monnet Project “Enhancing the Debate about Intercultural Dialogue, EU Values and Diversity”, of the Department of International and European Studies of the University of Macedonia is hosting its second Guest Lecture event entitled “Women in Diplomacy”, that will take place through the Zoom platform on Wednesday 16/12/2020 at 14:00-16:00 hrs.
A Welcome Greeting will be made by the Dean of the School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts, Mr. Athanasios Zervas, Professor at the Department of Music Science and Art of the University of Macedonia.
The Keynote Speaker at the event is the US Consul General in Thessaloniki Elizabeth K. Lee, who will talk about the role of Women in Diplomacy.
A round table discussion will follow with a panel of subject matter experts:
Diplomatic partners. Diplomats by proxy?
Chara Karagiannopoulou, Assistant Professor, Department of International, European and Regional Studies, Panteion University
Women’s representation in international organisations and law-making bodies
Kalliopi Chainoglou, Assistant Professor, Department of International and European Studies, University of Macedonia
Female Mediators in Peacemaking: Still Pending
Fotini Bellou, Assistant Professor, Department of International and European Studies, University of Macedonia, UNESCO Chair on Women, Peace and Security, Head of the EU Security Watch Spot of Jean Monnet Project
The discussion will be moderated by the Head of the EU Security Watch Spot Mrs. Fotini Bellou.
The Guest Lecture event is organized in collaboration with the UNESCO Chair “Women, Peace and Security: Building Opportunities and Resilience through Education and Research” of the University of Macedonia.
The link for access to the event is: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJEvdu-prTotGNPPhW7BpCzBbYi4K_H71x88
Registration will be necessary. Entrance is free. Participants will be given certificates of attendance that will be sent via email.
A series of events of the program will follow. You can find more information through our website https://jmpeuvadis.uom.gr/ or our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/JMP.EUVaDis/.
For further questions or clarifications please contact jeanmonnetproject-euvadis@uom.edu.gr.