Online Seminar “Intercultural Dialogue as a European Project” – Mondays 16, 23, 30 of November and 7, 14 of December 2020

25 hour – Online Seminar “Intercultural Dialogue as a European Project”, Mondays 16, 23, 30 of November and 7, 14 of December 2020
The Jean Monnet Project “Enhancing the Debate about Intercultural Dialogue, EU Values and Diversity” of the Department of International and European Studies of the University of Macedonia has organized the 25 hour – Online Seminar “Intercultural Dialogue as a European Project” on Mondays 16, 23 and 30 of November as well as 7 and 14 of December 2020 from 17:00 to 21:00 Athens Time. The conference is co-organised with the UNESCO Chair of Intercultural Policy for an Active Citizenship and Solidarity of the University of Macedonia.
The Seminar will be held Online, via the Zoom Platform. The access link is the same for all days and participants need to register before/on each day by accessing the following link.
On Monday November 16 the programme is:
Intercultural Dialogue in the EU
Despoina Anagnostopoulou, Associate Professor, Department of International and European Studies, University of Macedonia, Academic Coordinator, Jean Monnet Project EUVaDiS, Thessaloniki, Greece
Intercultural Dialogue as a Bridge between the EU and Russia
Iulia Sushkova, Dean, Professor, Law Faculty, Ogarev Mordovia State University, Saransk, Russia, Jean Monnet Chair-holder
The Conditions of Intercultural Dialogue: Fundamental Rights, Democracy, Pluralism, Equality
Despoina Anagnostopoulou, Associate Professor, Department of International and European Studies, University of Macedonia, Academic Coordinator, Jean Monnet Project EUVaDiS, Thessaloniki, Greece
Intercultural Dialogue after COVID-19 and the George Floyd Tsunami
Despoina Anagnostopoulou, Associate Professor, Department of International and European Studies, University of Macedonia, Academic Coordinator, Jean Monnet Project EUVaDiS, Thessaloniki, Greece
Before each day, the detailed program with the Lectures and the Speakers will be announced on the Program’s Website and on Facebook. Indicative topics and speakers will be:
- Intercultural dialogue in the EU
- Conditions of intercultural dialogue: fundamental rights, democracy, pluralism, equality
- Challenges of diversity in the EU
- Religion and interreligious dialogue
- Intercultural Education
- Hate speech, hate crimes, freedom and tolerance
- Intercultural competences
Speakers will include:
- Tien-Hui Chiang, Distinguished Professor, Academy of Globalization and Education Policy, Zhengzhou University, China, Vice-president, RC04, International Sociological Association
- Nikolaos Papadakis, Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Crete, Deputy Director, University of Crete Research Center for Humanities, Social and Education Sciences, Director, Centre for Political Research and Documentation, Crete, Greece
- Alberto Melloni, Professor, University of Modena-Reggio, Director, John XXIII Foundation for Religious Studies, UNESCO Chair holder on Religious Pluralism and Peace, University of Bologna, Senior Advisor, Institute of the Italian Encyclopedia Treccani, Italy
- Eirini Gouleta, Associate Professor, Department of Educational & Social Policy, University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece
- Ioanna Papavasiliou, Associate Professor, Department of Educational & Social Policy, University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece
- Marianthi Karatsiori, Laboratory Teaching Staff, Department of Educational & Social Policy, University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece
- Sofia Boutsiouki, Assistant Professor, Department of International and European Studies, University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece
- Dr. Vlachadi Maria, Department of Computer Science and Telecommunications, University of Thessaly, Lamia, Greece
- Lidija Georgieva, Professor, UNESCO Chair Holder “Intercultural Studies and Research” (2014-2018), University St Cyril and Methodius, Republic of North Macedonia
- Anastasia Psallida, PhD Candidate, Department of International and European Studies, University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece
- Dionisia Tsolaki, PhD Candidate, Department of International and European Studies, University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece
- Stefanos Katsoulis, Director, UNESCO Youth Club Thessaloniki, Project Officer Jean Monnet Project “Youth Strategies and Policies in the EU”, PhD researcher, University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece
The language of the seminar will be English and there will be no simultaneous translation.
Certificates of participation will be awarded and sent via e-mail after the Seminar to the e-mails and names registered. Participants are allowed 5 hours of absence.
For more Information: