3day International Conference “EU Values, Diversity and Intercultural Dialogue: Enhancing the debate”
on 21-23 April 2021

The Jean Monnet Project “Enhancing the Debate about Intercultural Dialogue, EU Values and Diversity- EU VaDis”, at the Department of International and European Studies of the University of Macedonia, and the Hellenic Association for European Law (HAEL), in collaboration with the Center for Research on Democracy and Law, and with the support of the European Parliament Liaison Office in Greece, are co-organizing an e-Conference on “EU Values, Diversity and Intercultural Dialogue: Enhancing the debate”, that will take place on Wednesday 21st to Friday 23rd of April, 2021, through Zoom platform.
The three-day e-Conference will begin on Wednesday April 21st, at 11:00 Athens time. The Keynote Speaker Sir Francis JACOBS, Professor of Law and Jean Monnet Professor at King’s College London, and f. Advocate General at the European Court of Justice (1988-2006), will deliver a speech on “The EU and the rule of law: recent developments and current prospect”. Professor Takis TRIDIMAS, Professor of European Law, in the same University of King’s College, will give the introductory speech on “Values, principles and rights: consensus and conflict”. Professor Emeritus Vassilios SKOURIS, f. President and Judge of the European Court of Justice, President of the Governing Board of the Hellenic Association for the European Law (HAEL), and President of the Governing Board of the Centre of International and European Economic Law (CIEEL) will be the Chair of the Opening Session.
The speeches of the participating discussants academicians, researchers and experts from Greece and abroad, are organized into 11 thematic sessions:
WEDNESDAY, April 21st 2021
SESSION 1: EU Values as Common Values
SESSION 2: EU Values and Fundamental Rights
SESSION 3: Democracy and European Citizenship in the EU
SESSION 4: The value of the rule of law and its implementation
THURSDAY, 22nd April, 2021
SESSION 5: EU Values in Education and integration of third-country nationals
SESSION 6: Hate speech as the negation of EU Values
SESSION 7: Equality and diversity in the EU – towards new meanings
FRIDAY, 23rd April, 2021
SESSION 8: The promotion of EU Values in the world
SESSION 9: EU Values and Cultural Heritage: Solidarity and Justice
SESSION 10: The EU Value of Solidarity in the Borders, Migration and Asylum policies and in the management of COVID19
SESSION 11: EU Values in a multicultural society – how intercultural dialogue may help
The final programme of the event is attached. Any change will be uploaded on the Facebook page jmp.EUVaDis
The working language of this e-Conference is English and no interpretation will be provided.
The event is free of charge (no attendance fee).
Pre-registration is required through this link:
Please note that registration is required separately for each day of the conference. After completing the necessary steps to register for each day of the e-Conference, participants will receive to the email they have registered themselves with the link where from the event will be streamed.
Certificates of attendance will be sent to the participants of the event via the email used for registration.
The e-Conference is organized in the framework of “EU VaDis“, a Jean Monnet project funded by ERASMUS+ programme on EU Values, Diversity and Intercultural dialogue, at the University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece. The objectives of the project are to increase the interest and enhance knowledge, to stimulate multidisciplinary research, reflection and dialogue, and to enhance cooperation between academia and civil society in the abovementioned field.
You can find more information through our website https://jmpeuvadis.uom.gr/ or our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/JMP.EUVaDis/. For further questions or clarifications please contact jeanmonnetproject-euvadis@uom.edu.gr .